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Intelligent Animal Husbandry: Development of intelligent and sustainable animal farming modelsDepartment of Animal Science / Hsin-I Chiang/ Associate Professor

論文篇名 英文:Prevalence, Virulence, and Antimicrobial Resistance of Major Mastitis Pathogens Isolated from Taiwanese Dairy Farms
期刊名稱 Antibiotics
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2024, 13(1), 36.
作者 Bigya Dhital, Shih-Te Chuang, Jui-Chun Hsieh, Ming-Hsiu Hsieh, and Hsin-I Chiang (江信毅)*
DOI 10.3390/antibiotics13010036
中文摘要 乳房炎是乳牛中一種非常流行的疾病,由於產奶量、牛奶品質下降和昂貴的藥物治療而造成巨大的經濟損失。本研究論文調查了乳牛的抗菌藥物敏感性以及抗藥性和毒力基因分佈在牛乳腺炎中所起的作用。從5個不同乳牛場採集了984份原乳樣品,並在羊血瓊脂平板上培養。以紙片擴散法測定抗菌藥物敏感性,PCR檢測對應的抗藥性基因和毒力基因。在收集的牛奶樣本中,分別鑑定出 73 株、32 株和 19 株鏈球菌、葡萄球菌和大腸桿菌群。抗菌藥物敏感性結果顯示鏈球菌屬。對四環素(86.30%)、新黴素(79.45%)和苯唑西林(73.97%)有抗藥性。葡萄球菌屬對四環素(59.37%)和苯唑西林(53.12%)有抗藥性。最後,大腸桿菌群對苯唑西林(100%)和桿菌肽(68.42%)具有抗藥性。基因分型結果顯示鏈球菌屬。攜帶四環素抗藥性基因tetM (46.57%)、桿菌肽抗藥性基因bcrB (41.09%)、新黴素抗藥性基因aph(3)-II (39.72%)。葡萄球菌屬攜帶抗性基因bcrB40.62%)和tetM18.75%),大腸桿菌攜帶抗性基因tetM42.10%)和bcrB57.89%)。此外,鏈球菌、葡萄球菌和大腸桿菌分別有 57.53%75.0% 63.15% 帶有 lmbfib ompC 毒力基因。所有三個測試的細菌屬均顯示抗菌素抗藥性基因與毒力因子之間沒有顯著關聯,儘管它們呈負相關(p > 0.05)。將抗藥性基因鑑定和藥敏試驗結合起來作為牛乳腺炎診斷的組成部分,可以幫助選擇有效的抗菌藥物來治療它。
英文摘要 Mastitis, a highly prevalent disease in dairy cows, is responsible for massive financial losses due to decreased milk yield, milk quality, and costly medication. This research paper investigates antimicrobial susceptibility in cows and the role played by both resistance and virulence gene distribution in bovine mastitis. A total of 984 raw milk samples were collected from five different dairy farms and cultured on sheep blood agar plates. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by disc diffusion, and corresponding resistance and virulence genes were detected by PCR. Among the collected milk samples, 73, 32, and 19 isolates of Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and coliforms were identified, respectively. The antimicrobial susceptibility results showed that Streptococcus spp. were resistant to tetracycline (86.30%), neomycin (79.45%), and oxacillin (73.97%). Staphylococcus spp. were resistant to tetracycline (59.37%) and oxacillin (53.12%). Lastly, coliforms were resistant to oxacillin (100%) and bacitracin (68.42%). The genotyping results showed that Streptococcus spp. carried the resistance genes tetM (46.57%) against tetracycline, bcrB (41.09%) against bacitracin, and aph(3)-II (39.72%) against neomycin. Staphylococcus spp. carried the resistance genes bcrB (40.62%) and tetM (18.75%), and coliforms carried the resistance genes tetM (42.10%) and bcrB (57.89%). Moreover, 57.53%, 75.0%, and 63.15% of Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and coliforms carried lmb, fib, and ompC virulence genes, respectively. All three tested bacterial genera showed no significant association between antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence factors, although they were negatively correlated (p > 0.05). The combination of resistance gene identification and susceptibility tests as components of the diagnosis of bovine mastitis can help in selecting effective antimicrobial agents to treat it.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 乳房炎為常見隻乳牛疾病。乳牛罹患乳房炎時,將連帶發生活動力下降,採時時間下降與反芻時間下降。根據本團隊之AI計畫研究,可透過行為異常的判定早期偵測出罹患乳房炎疾病牛隻,並透過抗生素早期治療,減少復發,與抗生素重複治療或過度使用造成抗藥性產生。
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