
【學術亮點】水稻內生細菌Bacillus velezensis LS123N可保護水稻抵抗多重病原菌、增強抵抗風逆境及增加產量

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【學術亮點】水稻內生細菌Bacillus velezensis LS123N可保護水稻抵抗多重病原菌、增強抵抗風逆境及增加產量
Intelligent Detection: Development of expert diagnosis system for crop cultivation and managementDepartment of Plant Pathology / Chih-Li Wang / Associate Professor

論文篇名 英文:The rice endophytic bacterium Bacillus velezensis LS123N provides protection against multiple pathogens and enhances rice resistance to wind with increase in yield.
中文:水稻內生細菌Bacillus velezensis LS123N可保護水稻抵抗多重病原菌、增強抵抗風逆境及增加產量
期刊名稱 Biological Control
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2024, 192, 105507
作者 Tu, Chi-Kuan, Huang, Wen-Di, Wang Pei-Han, Lin, Wei-Lun, Chen, Hong-Yue, Rau, Sheng-Tsz, Chang, Tsu-Cheng, Young, Li-Sen, Wang, Chih-Li*(王智立), and Lee, Miin-Huey* (*共同通訊作者)
DOI 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2024.105507
中文摘要 水稻(Oryza sativa)是全球重要的主食作物,但其生產受到各種生物性和非生物性逆境的影響。本研究篩選水稻內生細菌,評估其對多種水稻病原菌的拮抗活性和防治效力。溫室試驗證實,Bacillus velezensis LS123N是試驗菌株中最具潛力的菌株,能夠有效防治多種水稻病害,包括細菌性白葉枯病、稻熱病、徒長病、根腐霉病和胡麻葉枯病。田間試驗進一步證實,LS123N能夠顯著降低天然發生因Bipolaris oryzae引起的胡麻葉枯病,在幼苗和成熟水稻植株上均有良好的效果,並提高水稻產量。對於抑制細菌性白葉枯病、根腐霉病和胡麻葉枯病,僅需在種子發芽期進行單次處理即可顯著抑制病害。LS123N在種子發芽期的應用符合常見的水稻栽培操作。此外,LS123N還表現出增強水稻對風力逆境的抵抗力和促進幼苗生長的能力。試驗證實種子處理後,LS123N可內生在水稻從種子到成熟水稻植株的生長期。有趣的是,LS123N引入後的48小時內,許多水稻防禦基因的表達被抑制。試驗顯示,LS123N抑制了B. oryzae的孢子發芽和發芽管的正常生長,並產生了多種水解酶、鉗鐵載體和IAA,並且具有溶解磷化合物的能力。總的來說,這些結果表明,B. velezensis LS123N是一種有前景的生物防治菌,具有開發為生物殺菌劑、生物肥料和生物促進劑的潛力。
英文摘要 Rice (Oryza sativa) is a globally important staple food, but its production was influenced by various biotic and abiotic stresses. This study involved screening endophytic bacterial strains for their antagonistic activities and control efficacy against multiple rice pathogens in planta assays. Subsequent greenhouse investigations identified Bacillus velezensis LS123N as the most promising strain for effectively controlling various rice diseases, including bacterial blight, rice blast, bakanae disease, Pythium disease, and brown spot disease. Field trials further demonstrated that LS123N significantly reduced naturally occurring brown spot disease caused by Bipolaris oryzae in both seedlings and mature rice plants, and increased rice yields. For disease control against bacterial blight, Pythium disease, and brown spot, only a single treatment during seed germination resulted in significant disease control efficacy. The application of LS123N during seed germination aligns with common rice cultivation practices. Additionally, LS123N exhibited the capacity to improve rice resistance to wind stress and enhance rice growth during the seedling stage. Endophytic colonization of LS123N was evidenced from seed to mature rice plants after seed treatment. Interestingly, the expression of many rice defense genes was suppressed within 48 h of the LS123N introduction. In vitro assays showed that LS123N inhibited spore germination and normal growth of germ tubes of B. oryzae, produced multiple hydrolases, siderophores, and IAA, and had the ability to solubilize phosphorus compounds. In summary, these results indicate that B. velezensis LS123N is a promising biocontrol agent and has the potential to be developed into a biofungicide, biofertilizer, and biostimulator.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 篩選出水稻內生細菌Bacillus velezensis LS123N可應用於田間保護水稻抵抗多重病原菌、增強抵抗風逆境及增加產量,執行期間收集田間自然發生之水稻病害照片,應用於開發之水稻病蟲害影像辨識AI技術。
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