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Intelligent Detection: Development of expert diagnosis system for crop cultivation and managementDepartment of Agronomy / Bo-Jein Kuo / Professor

論文篇名 英文:Characterizing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Disasters and Climates to Evaluate Hazards to Crop Production in Taiwan
期刊名稱 Agriculture
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2024, 14(8), 1384
作者 Yuan-Chih Su; Chun-Yi Wu; Kuo, Bo-Jein(郭寶錚)*
DOI 10.3390/agriculture14081384
中文摘要 由於氣候變遷會造成頻繁且高強度之天然災害,因此在解災害型態與制定緩解及調適策略時,完整地評估災害風險顯得格外重要。本研究從臺灣作物災害資料集取得2003至2022年間之災害相關資訊。此外,結合主成分分析 (principal component analysis) 與K平均法 (K-means) 以對氣候進行分群藉此評估氣候型態對災害風險的影響。結果顯示,颱風類型的災害的頻率呈現穩定的下降,而降雨類型的災害的頻率則有上升的趨勢。不同類型的災害其風險在臺灣四個地區 (北部、中部、南部、東部) 呈現不同的變化。寒流類型之災害風險在中部地區有顯著上升之趨勢。而降雨類型之災害的風險僅在南部呈現顯著上升。然而,颱風類型之災害風險在四個地區皆呈現下降之趨勢。氣候型態方面,高溫與乾燥的氣候在2012年後為臺灣主要的氣候型態。而這樣的氣候型態對寒流與乾旱以其降雨類型的災害有著較高的風險。因此根據本研究之結果,對於寒流與降雨類型之災害管理將會是確保臺灣作物生產的工作中重要的一環。
英文摘要 Climate change causes frequent and severe disasters. A comprehensive assessment of disaster hazards is thus crucial to understanding variations in disaster patterns and planning mitigation and adaptation strategies. This study obtained information from a crop disaster dataset of Taiwan covering the period from 2003 to 2022. Additionally, principal component analysis and K-means clustering were used to create climate clusters to evaluate the effect of climate patterns on disaster hazards. The results revealed that tropical storm frequency substantially decreased, whereas rain disasters exhibited an increasing trend. The four regions of Taiwan exhibited variations in terms of hazards of various disasters. The cold wave hazard showed a significant upward trend in the central region. An upward trend of rain disaster hazards was only detected in the southern region. However, a downward trend in tropical storm hazards was detected across all regions. A distinct climate pattern was identified over the study period. After 2012, high temperature and dry climate were the primary climate patterns. These patterns exhibited a high hazard value for cold waves, droughts, and rain disasters. Hence, the present study’s findings indicate that managing cold waves and rain disasters is crucial to protecting crop production in Taiwan.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 團隊開發的智慧專家診斷系統其中一項就包含氣象資料,將收集的日氣象資料集加以應用即可加速診斷系統於氣象領域的分析。
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