
【學術亮點】EQGG: 自動問題題組生成

【學術亮點】EQGG: 自動問題題組生成
AI core Technology: Advanced Research and Resource Integration Platform or AI TechnologyDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering / Yao-Chung Fan / Associate Professor
論文篇名 英文:EQGG: Automatic Question Group Generation
中文:EQGG: 自動問題題組生成
期刊名稱 IEEE Transactions on Learning Technology
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2024, pages: 1-14
作者 Ho-Lam Chung, Ying-Hong Chan, Yao-Chung Fan(范耀中)
DOI 10.1109/TLT.2024.3430225
中文摘要 問題生成(QG)任務在自適應學習中扮演著至關重要的角色。儘管QG性能已有顯著提升,但現有的QG研究仍然距離實際應用有一段距離。一個需要加強的點是考慮問題群組的生成,而這方面目前仍未被觸及。為了形成一個問題群組,必須考慮生成問題之間的內部因素。本文提出了一個結合神經語言模型和遺傳算法的雙階段框架,來解決問題群組生成的問題。此外,基於基準數據集進行的實驗評估顯示,所提出的框架明顯優於比較基準。也進行了人工評估,以驗證設計並了解其局限性。
英文摘要 Question generation (QG) task plays a crucial role in adaptive learning. While significant QG performance advancements are reported, the existing QG studies are still far from practical usage. One point that needs strengthening is to consider the generation of question group , which remains untouched. For forming a question group, intra-factors among generated questions should be considered. This paper proposes a two-stage framework by combining neural language models and genetic algorithms for addressing the issue of question group generation. Furthermore, experimental evaluation based on benchmark datasets is conducted and the results show that the proposed framework significantly outperforms the compared baselines. Human evaluations are also conducted to validate the design and understand the limitations. We also make our code and model available online.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 問句生成模型與問答模型為一體兩面之關聯。良好的問句生成模型將有助於問答模型藉由訓練資料之增量來提升效能。而過往的問句生成,主要著眼於單一問句生成,本研究中,我們採用問句題組生成為目標來進行模型之開發與設計。此一方面之技術開發有助於閱讀理解模型與問答系統之效能提升。
