
【學術亮點-頂級期刊論文】Retina-TransNet: 一個以梯度導引的低學習樣本的視網膜血管切割網路

AI core Technology: Big Data Platform in Agriculture and Data Governance
Institute of Data Science and Information Computing / Hao-Chiang Shao / Assistant Professor

論文篇名 英文:Retina-TransNet: A Gradient-Guided Few-Shot Retinal Vessel Segmentation Net
中文:Retina-TransNet: 一個以梯度導引的低學習樣本的視網膜血管切割網路
期刊名稱 IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (指標清單期刊)
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2023, 27(10), 1-12
作者 Hao-Chiang Shao(邵皓強)*, Chih-Ying Chen, Meng-Hsuan Chang, Chih-Han Yu, Chia-Wen Lin, Ju-Wen Yang
DOI 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3298710
中文摘要 因醫師的人力成本高,因此難以由醫師完成醫學影像的大量標記,以做為電腦輔助診斷 (CADx) 系統或影像切割演算法之用。因應此問題,我們將影像切割問題重定義為影像對影像(I2I, image-to-image)的遷移問題,並提出了一個即使在少量的訓練樣本下也能達到良好的跨領域通用能力的視網膜血管切割網路。我們主要設計了兩個組件來完成此項以I2I為基礎的影像切割方法。第一項,是我們提出的梯度向量流(GVF)損失函數;第二項,則是具有省略連接(skip-connection)的兩階段Unet(2Unet)生成器:此設計使得2Unet網路的第一階段可扮演類似於傳統Unet的角色,但同時可迫使2Unet的第二階段成為一個微調模組。實驗顯示,透過將視網膜血管分割重新定義為影像到影像的遷移問題,我們的I2I轉換器的影像切割子網路,能夠比現有的分割方法具有更好的跨領域通用能力。我們的模型即使在少樣本學習(few-shot learning)的環境下,仍可在某單一資料集(例如 DRIVE)上訓練完成後,對其他領域的資料集(如 CHASE-DB1、STARE、HRF 和 DIARETDB1)產生穩定可靠的血管影像切割成果。
英文摘要 Due to the high labor cost of physicians, it is difficult to collect a rich amount of manually-labeled medical images for developing learning-based computer-aided diagnosis (CADx) systems or segmentation algorithms. To tackle this issue, we reshape the image segmentation task as an image-to-image (I2I) translation problem and propose a retinal vascular segmentation network, which can achieve good cross-domain generalizability even with a small amount of training data. We devise primarily two components to facilitate this I2I-based segmentation method. The first is the constraints provided by the proposed gradient-vector-flow (GVF) loss, and, the second is a twostage Unet (2Unet) generator with a skip connection. This configuration makes 2Unet's first-stage play a role similar to conventional Unet, but forces 2Unet's second stage to learn to be a refinement module. Extensive experiments show that by re-casting retinal vessel segmentation as an image-to-image translation problem, our I2I translator-based segmentation subnetwork achieves better crossdomain generalizability than existing segmentation methods. Our model, trained on one dataset, e.g., DRIVE, can produce segmentation results stably on datasets of other domains, e.g., CHASE-DB1, STARE, HRF, and DIARETDB1, even in low-shot circumstances.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 在此研究中,我們提出了一個新的影像切割網路框架,並設計了一個新的損失函數以增進影像切割模型的跨領域通用性、以及在少量學習樣本環境下的模型學習能力。此研究同時包含了理論層級設計、與實務端驗證的成果,故與AI計畫主題相關。