
【學術亮點】四季春茶植物(Camellia sinensis L.)對非生物逆境的反應中兩個阿拉伯聚醣轉移酶的分離和分子特性研究

Intelligent Cultivation: Crop digital twin for growth adversity index and disaster damage assessmentDepartment of Agronomy / Chin-Ying Yang / Tenured Distinguished Professor
論文篇名 英文:Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Two Arabinosyltransferases in Response to Abiotic Stresses in Sijichun Tea Plants (Camellia sinensis L.)
中文:四季春茶植物(Camellia sinensis L.)對非生物逆境的反應中兩個阿拉伯聚醣轉移酶的分離和分子特性研究
期刊名稱 Agronomy
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2023, 13(6), 1476
作者 Tzu-Chiao Liao, Chung-Tse Chen, Mao-Chang Wang, Shang-Ling Ou, Jason T. C. Tzen, & Chin-Ying Yang(楊靜瑩)*
DOI 10.3390/agronomy13061476
中文摘要 茶葉(Camellia sinensis L.)中次生代謝物的修飾對於代謝物的功能至關重要。阿拉伯聚醣缺陷基因(ARAD)編碼一種阿拉伯聚醣轉移酶,參與阿拉伯聚醣生物合成途徑。兩個CsARADs的全長序列通過快速cDNA末端擴增從茶葉植物中克隆獲得,並被命名為CsARAD1CsARAD2。根據不同的生物信息學分析,CsARAD1CsARAD2被預測為含有N-糖基化、磷酸化和N-肌醇酰化位點的兩個膜蛋白,並且是糖基轉移酶(GT)47家族的同源物。CsARADs在非木質化組織(如蓓蕾和幼嫩葉)中的轉錄水平高於老葉和茎。CsARADs在秋季也表現出最高的表達水平,顯示CsARAD的調節受到環境因素的影響。在不同的非生物逆境處理後,CsARADs的轉錄水平發生變化,並且在溫度逆境、鹽分和乾旱樣態的條件下,CsARAD1CsARAD2顯示出不同的調節模式。茶苗接受乙烯前體和脫落酸處理後,CsARAD1CsARAD2都明顯下調。此外,CsARAD2在接受甲基茉莉酸和赤霉酸處理後下調。總體而言,我們對於阿拉伯聚醣轉移酶功能的發現為進一步研究和育種應用提供了基礎。
英文摘要 The modification of secondary metabolites is crucial to the function of metabolites in tea (Camellia sinensis L.). The arabinan deficient (ARAD) encodes an arabinosyltransferase and is involved in the arabinan biosynthesis pathway. Two full-length sequences of CsARADs were cloned and obtained from tea plants through the rapid amplification of cDNA ends and named CsARAD1 and CsARAD2. CsARAD1 and CsARAD2 are predicted to be 2 membrane proteins containing N-glycosylation, phosphorylation, and N-myristoylation sites and are 2 homologs of the glycosyltransferases (GT) 47 family, according to various bioinformatic analyses. CsARADs showed higher transcription levels in nonlignified tissues (e.g., buds and young leaves) than in old leaves and stems. CsARADs also exhibited the highest expression level in autumn, indicating that CsARAD regulation is affected by environmental factors. The transcript levels of CsARADs were changed after various abiotic stress treatments, and CsARAD1 and CsARAD2 displayed different regulation patterns in temperature stress, saline, and drought-like conditions. CsARAD1 and CsARAD2 were both significantly downregulated after tea seedlings were treated with an ethylene precursor and abscisic acid. In addition, CsARAD2 was downregulated after being treated with methyl jasmonate and gibberellin. Collectively, our findings on the function of arabinosyltransferase serve as a basis for further research and breeding applications.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 藉由AI方法預測基因的表達模式,以改良植物的性狀,或育成轉基因植物
