

Intelligent Husbandry: AI Green Energy Management and Circular Use of Sensing PlatformDepartment of Bio-industrial Mechatronics Engineering/ Ching-Chou Wu / Professor

英文:Rapid label-free impedimetric detection of progesterone enhanced by immunomagnetic bead-based competitive immunoreaction
期刊名稱 Talanta
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2024, 276, 126204
作者 Yu-Sheng Chuang, Chien-Kai Wang, Cheng-Yan Li, Chenzhong Li (美國學者), Ching-Chou Wu(吳靖宙)*
DOI 10.1016/j.talanta.2024.126204
中文摘要 檢測牛血清中的黃體酮(P4)濃度對於監測受精後的懷孕進展至關重要,對於乳牛養殖業和獸醫學具有重要意義。本研究報告了一種基於無酵素免疫磁珠(IMBs)的競爭性免疫分析法,通過P4-牛血清白蛋白(BSA)修飾的生物感測器來檢測P4。抗P4抗體複合體的IMBs用作收集器,以捕捉未稀釋血清樣本中的P4,防止生物感測器表面受到生物樣本污染,同時作為絕緣物,以報告電化學阻抗譜(EIS)測量的電子轉移電阻信號。IMBs和含P4的樣本混合15-30分鐘即可獲得穩定的P4@IMB複合物。施加0.2千高斯的脈衝磁場(PMF),脈衝寬度為20秒,休息時間為20秒,持續5分鐘,可以縮短P4@IMBsP4-BSA修飾生物感測器之間的免疫反應時間,並減少IMB在生物傳感器表面的非特異性吸附。該競爭性免疫分析的臨界值和檢測限分別為7.71 ng/mL7.33 ng/mL,低於乳牛在發情周期第6-16天和懷孕期間血清中的P4平臺濃度(超過8 ng/mL)。結合PMF吸引和免標定EIS測量的IMB基免疫分析展示了快速檢測未稀釋血清中P4的潛力。
英文摘要 Detecting progesterone (P4) concentration in cow serum is essential for monitoring the pregnancy progress after fertilization and is significant for the dairy farming industry and veterinary medicine. This study reports enzyme-free immunomagnetic beads (IMBs)-based competitive immunoassay for detecting P4 by P4-bovine serum albumin (BSA)-modified biosensors. The anti-P4 antibody-conjugated IMBs serve as collectors to capture P4 in undiluted serum samples to prevent the biosensor surface from biosample contamination and as insulated labels to report the electron-transfer resistance signal of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurement. The IMBs and P4-containing samples were mixed for 15−30 min, capable of obtaining stable P4@IMB complexes. The 0.2-kGauss pulsed magnetic field (PMF) of the 20-s pulse width and 20-s relaxation time applied for 5 min can shorten the immunoreaction time between the P4@IMBs and the P4-BSA-modified biosensor and reduce the IMB's nonspecific adsorption on the biosensor surface. This competitive immunoassay's cut-off value and detection limit were 7.71 ng/mL and 7.33 ng/mL, respectively, which is lower than the serum's P4 plateau concentration (over 8 ng/mL) of dairy cows on days 6–16 of estrus cycles and that in pregnancy. The IMB-based immunoassay combining the PMF attraction and the label-free EIS measurement exhibits promising potential for rapidly detecting P4 in undiluted serum.
發表成果與AI計畫研究主題相關性 牧場管理中除了環境調控會影響泌乳量外,乳牛懷孕週期的調控是維持牧場牛乳產量更為重要的關鍵技術。該論文合成無酵素免疫磁珠作為抗體載體,以競爭免疫反應在電極上進行免標定阻抗法量測,用於檢測未稀釋血清中的孕酮。利用週期性脈衝磁場可降低免疫反應時間,並減少磁珠在電極表面的非特異性吸附。此研究提供一種快速靈敏的血清孕酮檢測方法,對畜牧業的乳牛懷孕率調控具有重大貢獻,未來若能在擠乳器上從牛乳中檢測孕酮的技術加上AI辨識個別牛隻,可在資料庫中建置個別女牛的P4E2濃度週期,可發展出精準調控乳牛懷孕的技術。