

AI core Technology: Big Data Platform in Agriculture and Data GovernanceDepartment of Applied Mathematics / Tsung-Jen Shen / Professor
論文篇名 英文:How close is an undiscovered species to you after conducting biodiversity sampling?
期刊名稱 Ecological Indicators
發表年份, 卷數, 起迄頁數 2023, 154, 110482
作者 Youhua ChenYongbin WuChia-Hao ChangTsung-Jen Shen(沈宗荏)*
DOI 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110482
中文摘要 根據從線性樣帶收集的有限生物多樣性數據,找到一個在原始樣本中尚未被發現的新物種的最小距離是多少?解決這個謎題在生態研究中可能具有實際價值,例如,對於發現新物種的目的,評估取樣強度。在這項研究中,我們開發了一個簡單的估算器來預測找到單個新物種的最小距離。數值和實證測試驗證了所提出的估算器具有很高的預測能力。
英文摘要 Based on limited biodiversity data collected from a line transect, what is the minimal distance to find the first individual of a new species that has not been discovered in the original sample? Resolving this puzzle can be of practical value in ecological studies, for example, an assessment of sampling intensity for the purpose of discovering new species. In this study, we develop a simple estimator to predict the minimal distance of finding a single new species. Numerical and empirical tests verified the high predictive power of the proposed estimator.
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